In addition to Brittany Perille Inc., Brittany is also the co-founder of Perille Grade.Perille Grade is a gym bag accessory line that sells pre-packed gym bags & gym bag fillers. You can find the products required for Brittany's programs on Perille Grade. Bundles corresponding to each program have been created for your convenience.

―Note: these are not the only products deemed necessary for the program. If you have a pair of sliders or ankle cuffs at home that work, use those. These are merely suggestions.

Meet Brittany

Brittany Yobe, recognized in the fitness industry as Brittany Perille, is a CPT residing in southern California. Brittany attended the University of California, Santa Barbara, supporting herself as a personal trainer at a local gym during the time. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in sociology, anthropology, & psychology, later deciding to pursue a career in the fitness industry.
Brittany received multiple personal training certifications. Utilizing the knowledge she acquired through these certifications & her own personal research, Brittany built a rigorous workout curriculum that transformed her body into its renowned physique.
Brittany is also a pre & postnatal training specialist + a pre & postnatal corrective exercise specialist. Brittany trained herself through both pregnancies, following a prenatal program. She is also certified in metabolic flexibility. Through personally experiencing diastasis recti & having worked to recreate strength + functionality in her core, she has found her passion for pelvic health. Another specialty & passion Brittany has is glute building. With her credentials in pelvic health, she understands the importance of building glute strength beyond aesthetics.
Brittany is also a co-founder of a gym bag accessory line with her sister - Perille Grade.